Store and manage all your files!
Upload multiple files at once and keep them forever on this site. If you're using FireFox or Chrome, you can simply drag & drop your files to begin uploading.
Unlimited Storage
Upload multiple files at once and keep them forever on Rediafile : The best cloud storage; unlimited capacity available A cloud storage veteran that’s easy to use Business cloud with unlimited storage and excellent third-party integrations
Fast upload
Rediafile is one of the fastest free upload services : One-Time Links Keep control of your downloads. Unlike other file hosts we don't limit the transfer speed of our downloads. No limit on download/upload speed. Always be free
web tools
Free online PDF tools. merge, compress, create, edit and convert PDFs. Quick , Easy free developers tools, designers and webmasters to make your job easier. Design and develop services for customers of all sizes, specializing in creating stylish, modern websites.
Sharing option
Rediafile is the easy, fast, and secure way to shart large files. Sharing fils as email attachments. Posting files on blog with direct link. Sharing your files on Facebook, Google+ and other social media.
Multiple uploads
Multiple uploads files at once Upload. Such as images,music and documents may be uploaded to the file Manager at the same time. Simply selecting multiple files or by uploading a zip or rar archive file
Manage files
Manage with ease Make it easy to find your documents and files by using Redifile powerful yet easy-to-use file manager. Upload, copy, move, and control access to your files from anywhere with your desktop or phone
Share your files with everyone!
We supply you with all the tools necessary to easily share your files. Use our pre-generated html code to link from your website or post directly to Facebook or Twitter.
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Fast and instant downloading!
Our premium members benefit from no waiting time and direct downloads for all of their files. Unlike other file hosts we don't limit the transfer speed of our downloads.
Register »Safe and Secure
Safely store and backup all your essential files. From family photos & videos to important documents, you can rely on us to store all your media securely and forever.
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